Majority RS1 Microphone - Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers to frequently asked questions about the Majority RS1 Microphone:


Can this microphone be used with a smartphone?

Unfortunately, not – at the moment the microphone is only compatible with games consoles and computers.


Would the RS1 be suitable for using with Zoom?

The RS1 is perfect to use with Zoom or Skype! As a microphone with a cardioid pickup pattern, it’s ideally suited to vocals and speech.


What does Plug and Play mean?

‘Plug and Play’ means that when you plug in the RS1, there is no need to download anything. Instead, you just plug in the microphone, set your audio settings to use your new mic, and start using it straight away, no complicated setup or tech knowledge required.


Why isn’t my microphone working when I plug it in?

Please check that in your computer’s microphone settings, you have selected ‘RS ONE’ as the input device. In Windows 10, you can change this by going to Settings -> System -> Sound -> Input and then select the RS ONE.

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